FluencyBank English UMD-CMU Corpus

Nan Bernstein Ratner
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences
University of Maryland


Julianne Garbarino
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences
University of Maryland

Ning Hsu
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences
University of Maryland

Participants: 15/15
Type of Study: conversation
Location: USA
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/G0TM-C019

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In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

Enabled by grants from the US NIDCD (R01DC015494) and the National Science Foundation (BCS1626300) to Brian MacWhinney and Nan Bernstein Ratner, 15 children within six months of stuttering onset and sex-, age and SES-matched typically fluent children were studied on an annual basis for three years. Additional cohorts of late-talking children and Spanish-English bilingual children were also followed, although data are not currently available for download at TalkBank.

These language samples represent conversational speech between the children and their mothers using a standard set of toys. Work on analysis of these samples is ongoing; however, aspects of the data are reported in a doctoral dissertation by Julianne Garbarino (2021) at the University of Maryland. Demographic data for participants is available; researchers seeking such information should contact Nan Bernstein Ratner at nratner@umd.edu.

Major assistance to this project has been provided by Dr. Garbarino, as well as Dr. Ning Hsu, project manager. Individuals using these data are asked to cite Bernstein Ratner & MacWhinney (2018) and Dr. Garbarino’s dissertation. Requested citations will be updated as project publications become available.