FluencyBank English Ratner Corpus

Nan Bernstein Ratner
Hearing and Speech Sciences
University of Maryland


Stacy Silverman Wagovich
Hearing and Speech Sciences
University of Missouri

Stephanie Miles Orloski
Hearing and Speech Sciences
University of Maryland

Participants: 23 CWS, 15 controls
Type of Study: clinical
Location: USA
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5CT14

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Citation information

Users of this corpus should cite one of the following publications, as most appropriate.

Project Description

This corpus contains records from 23 children who stutter (15 were originally used for the published research), and 15 age- , gender- and SES-matched fluent peers used in a series of published research reports from 1997 to 2012. Children who stutter (CWS) were enrolled within 3 months of stuttering onset. Typically-fluent peers were recruited, as often as possible, from within the stuttering child’s social circle.

All publications were based upon the single initial visit to the clinic; a number of children provided additional samples over the following year. These are marked as “follow-up” samples.