FluencyBank FluencyBank Corpora

This page provides an index to FluencyBank corpora. In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from these corpora must cite at least one corpus reference (see citation info on corpus page) and acknowledge FluencyBank grant support -- NIH NIDCD R01-DC015494.

Signed contribution forms are available here .
Corpus Ages N Media Access Comments
EllisWeismer 2;6-5;6 138 audio in CHILDES late talkers and controls
Examples 26 1 video open an adult who stutters
Hakim 8 8/8 audio open nonword repetitions of children who stutter and controls
IISRP 2-6 100/50 audio password seminal study of children who stutter with controls
IISRP-new 2-6 100/50 audio password IISRP with more tiers, by sample number
Pistono adult, Dutch 20 audio open induced disfluencies in picture descriptions
POLER 4;2-13;0 25/25 audio in CHILDES children with epilepsy and controls
Purdue 3;5-6;11 195 not available open children who stutter with controls
Ratner 2;1-4;4 23/15 video password children who stutter and controls
Tellis 6-12 8 video password teenagers who stutter
UMD-CMU - 15/15 video password children who stutter with controls
VanZaalen - 1 video open one adult who clutters
Voices-CWS 9-17 19 video open interviews with children who stutter
Voices-AWC adults 4 video open interviews with adults who clutter
Voices-AWS adults 36 video open, uncoded interviews with adults who stutter
Voices-AWS2 adults 36 video password, coded interviews with adults who stutter
Wagovich children 9 -- password children who stutter
Brejon -- 8 audio open children with word-final stuttering
Ulm 6-7 94 - open children who stutter from Ulm, Germany