FluencyBank English Hakim Corpus

Haya Hakim
Speech Improvement Group
Chevy Chase, Maryland

Nan Bernstein Ratner
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences
University of Maryland


Participants: 8 CWS / 8 controls
Type of Study: clinical
Location: Washington, D.C.
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5N682

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Project Description

These data are from one of the first studies of non-word repetition in children who stutter. Files contain the non-word repetition responses, as well as a spontaneous language sample gathered simply to confirm stuttering diagnosis. As such, the spontaneous language sample was not a focus of the original research, and some participants did not appear to be maximally challenged or motivated by the task, which should be kept in mind in terms of how representative the sample might be of optimal performance. Descriptions below are from the published study, which also provides additional testing information regarding the children, copied here.

Participants in the study were 14 boys and 2 girls between the ages of 4:1 and 8:4. Eight of the children (CWS) had been diagnosed by a speech-language pathologist as having developmental stuttering and had been stuttering for at least six months. The other eight children, who were nonstuttering, normally developing (ND), were matched on age(within 4 months) and gender with one of the CWS participants. The mean age of the CWS group was 5:10 and of the ND group 5:9. All participants were monolingual with English as their first language. The two groups also were matched on maternal education level;the mean level of the CWS group was 16.25 years, and for the ND group it was 17.25years.All participants were administered the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT)(Kaufman & Kaufman, 1990) on the day of testing. The K-BIT contains two subtests, a vocabulary subtest and a matrices subtest, whose scores are combined into one composite IQ. Participants were required to achieve a score of at least 85 (the K-BIT mean is 100, standard deviation 15) to be included in the study. The participants also were administered four subtests (Picture Vocabulary, Oral Vocabulary, Grammatic Understanding and Grammatic Completion from the Test of Language Development-Primary, third ed. (TOLD-P:3)(Hammill & Newcomer, 1997). With the exception of one CWS participant who scored a 6 on Picture Vocabulary, all participants achieved a score of at least 7 on each of the subtests.

Participants were also screened for articulation/phonological impairments using the WordArticulation subtest of the TOLD-P:3.